nov 10 is sinta's birthday. it'll be the third straight year that i won't be there to celebrate with him. extremely difficult this year - i was just there a month ago. then christmas will come and it's sadness all over again (3rd consecutive year alone).
what gives? truly, all the money and the gifts could never replace being there in the flesh. time will never give these moments back; sad to say, these are moments of bitter regret that shall forever plague the darkest part of my heart.
i am set on getting married to whomever i'm with when i turn 25. i have to be 75 at most for my 50th wedding anniv. you're all invited. see you all then. :)
uhm. married eh? i will be there.
Awww Myumyu. It's really tough being away from someone you love. Haaay. *sending you hugs*
BTW, Crystal is getting married!!!! Next year. It's all our 25th year na. We're old.
Awww Myumyu. It's really tough being away from someone you love. Haaay. *sending you hugs*
BTW, Crystal is getting married!!!! Next year. It's all our 25th year na. We're old.
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