Wednesday, August 27, 2008

iskul bukol

going to school in the US can be overwhelming especially if you're like me. i already have a degree in the philippines. it's been 8 years since i've tackled any decent math. i am a crammer. i don't have internet, microsoft office, nor a printer at home. i was used to living on campus, now, i need the extra effort and discipline to wake up early to get to class on-time. what's bad enough is that i wasn't awarded financial aid which means i will have accrued student loans amounting to $13,100.50 (Php582,972.25)plus interest by the time i'm through.

teachers here spoon-feed students. there is a vast amount of information and tools available at one's discretion to understand and master each topic. and if you are like me, who scavenges for each drop of information, it's gonna get tough, stressful and expensive.

i have already $500 on my credit card and that's just for books. my income is 0.

so if you're like me, your outlook and take in life should change a bit for the better if you want to survive this textbook jungle. i know i need more focus, dedication and hard work to get to where i want to be in 3-4 years. hopefully, a good, simple and stable part-time job opportunity will present itself to me. and much more things to come.

and if you're like me, i'll meet you later on at the crossroads, waiting to chat about the whole experience. ;)

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